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Sevilla Catalunya Euskadi

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Oikocredit-ren laguntza erakundeak legalki irabazi asmorik gabeko erakundeak sortzen duten pertsona boluntarioen multzoa da. Bazkideak erakundearen parte oso garrantzitsua dira eta sentsibilizazio eta hedapen ekintzak betetzen dituzte. Laguntza erakundeak Nazioarteko Oikocrediten bazkide zuzenak dira eta Espainiako bazkide guztiak ordezkatzen ditu. Gaur egun Espainian hiru laguntza erakunde daude: Euskadi, Catalunya eta Sevilla.

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Garapen iraunkorrerako Finantza Etikoak

Hau bezalako proiektuak finantzatzen lagundu zure inbertsiaren bidez

Nola inbertitu
Nola inbertitu

SEWA Grih Rin Limited (Sitara) - Invertir en viviendas asequibles para personas de bajos ingresos en India

SEWA Grih Rin Limited (Sitara)

Investing in affordable housing for low-income people in India


SEWA Grih Rin Limited (Sitara) is an affordable housing finance company which uses an innovative system of credit assessment with alternative collateral to help underserved and low-income households in urban and peri-urban locations across India.

Oikocredit made an equity investment in Sitara in 2019. The company offers housing loans for different purposes such as home construction, home renovation and home purchases with a special focus on advancing the land rights of women by creating a tangible financial asset in their name.

Oikocredit’s support will enable the company to strengthen its operations and strategically expand into other states where it can foster inclusion by providing access to finance to the underserved for building secure homes.

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