CONACADO, Confederación Nacional de Cacaocultores Dominicanos - Financiación para aumentar exportaciones de cacao orgánico de comercio justo
CONACADO, Confederación Nacional de Cacaocultores Dominicanos
Funding to increase fair trade and organic cacao exports
Bidezko merkataritza
Ziurtagiria duten Bidezko Merkataritzako produktuak, Bidezko Merkataritzako etiketa daramatenak. Adibide bat da Bidezko Merkataritzako erakunde bati bere Bidezko Merkataritzako kakaoa saltzen dion ekoizle batzuk osaturiko kooperatiba bat.Berdea
Ingurumenaren babesa bultzatu edo sustatu egiten du. Nekazaritza ekologikoko kooperatiba bat adibide bat da.CONACADO, Confederación Nacional de Cacaocultores Dominicanos is an agro-industrial organization founded by cocoa producers. It sells organic and conventional cacao products. CONACADO is one of the largest cacao exporters in the Dominican Republic. Its members (over 8,500 in number) are all shareholders, with average plot sizes of two to three hectares.
CONACADO has its own processing plant to extract, press and package cocoa butter and liquor. Demand is high, and the organization is looking to increase its capacity.
CONACADO complies with organic cocoa requirements. It has been working with a number of well-known cocoa companies for many years. CONACADO’s reputation is excellent, and it has enjoyed a good and long relationship with the cacao farmers.
CONACADO, Confederación Nacional de Cacaocultores Dominicanos has been an Oikocredit partner since 2000.
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