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Cooperativa Integral de Ahorro y Crédito REFICOM RL - Consolidar la posición de mercado en el oeste de Guatemala

Cooperativa Integral de Ahorro y Crédito REFICOM RL

Consolidating the market position in western Guatemala


Cooperativa Integral de Ahorro y Crédito REFICOM RL started out as a microfinance programme of CDRO (Asociación Cooperación para el Desarrollo Rural de Occidente Asociación). CDRO is an NGO founded in 1986 which runs various social programmes in western Guatemala. In 2015, REFICOM had around 2,500 clients in Totonicapán, San Marcos, Quetzaltenango, Huehuetenango, Sololá and Quiche.

REFICOM strongly focuses on rural areas. REFICOM has adopted a 'rural inclusive model', which relies on the active participation of community members who, once trained, can join local credit committees. Rural clients represent more than 97%, and women make up about 35% of the total number of clients.

REFICOM is keen to further commit itself to the client protection principles of the Smart Campaign, also in view of the high levels of over-indebtedness in Totonicapán, where the cooperative is headquartered.

Cooperativa Integral de Ahorro y Crédito REFICOM RL and Oikocredit have been partners since 2007.

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