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PILARH OPDF, Proyectos e Iniciativas Locales para el Autodesarrollo Regional de Honduras - Servicios financieros para microempresarios en el área rural de Honduras

PILARH OPDF, Proyectos e Iniciativas Locales para el Autodesarrollo Regional de Honduras

Financial services for micro entrepreneurs in rural Honduras


Proyectos e Iniciativas Locales para el Autodesarrollo Regional de Honduras (PILARH) was created in 2008. PILARH is the financial branch of the homonymous non-governmental organization, founded in 1997. It provides small loans to rural micro entrepreneurs, especially those involved in agricultural activities. In addition, it provides other services and products such as savings and deposits aimed at improving the socioeconomic situation of its clients.

In 2014, PILARH had nine agencies operating in the western departments of Copán, Lempira, Ocotepeque, Santa Bárbara and Intibucá where there is a huge demand for financial services.

PILARH has a strong focus on rural areas and agricultural entrepreneurship as well as on social performance and environmental protection. It has, for example, developed a specific solar panel loan for people without access to electric services.

PILARH uses the progress out of poverty index tool (PPI) to monitor clients and has joined the Smart Campaign to better prevent over-indebtedness among its clients.

PILARH has been an Oikocredit partner since 2009.

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