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FINCA Guatemala - Servicios financieros para microempresarios en comunidades rurales aisladas

FINCA Guatemala

Financial services for micro entrepreneurs in isolated rural communities


The Fundación Internacional para la Asistencia Comunitaria (FINCA Guatemala) was established in 1989 and belongs to FINCA International. This is a not-for-profit corporation, a 501(c.3) registered in the United States, which as a whole serves nearly two million low-income entrepreneurs and their communities in 23 countries while operating on commercial principles of performance and sustainability. 

The main activity of FINCA Guatemala is providing financial services to low-income micro entrepreneurs in isolated communities in rural Guatemala. These financial services are provided through community banks, individual loans and third-party payments including remittances, basic service payments, cashing cheques, savings, cellphone credit and micro insurance. 

With 30 offices (2015) in different departments in Guatemala, FINCA has a high outreach in the country.

82% of the clients of FINCA Guatemala are women in rural and low-access areas with small businesses such as small pharmacies, weaving factories and shops with agricultural products. They use the loans to invest in their businesses, to increase their income and to improve their living standards. 

FINCA Guatemala has been an Oikocredit partner since 2011.


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