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Què són les Associacions de Suport?

Les Associacions de Suport a Oikocredit són col·lectius de persones voluntàries constituïdes legalment en forma d'associacions sense ànim de lucre. Els socis i sòcies d'aquestes associacions duen a terme tasques de sensibilització i difusió de la missió d'Oikocredit i són una part molt important de l'organització. Les Associacions de Suport són sòcies directes de la cooperativa Oikocredit Internacional, i com a tals, representen en ella a tots els seus socis i sòcies de l'estat espanyol. Actualment existeixen 3 Associacions de Suport: Euskadi, Catalunya i Sevilla.

També existeix un grup de voluntariat actiu a Madrid (pots trobar més informació sobre aquest grup i les seves activitats a:


Finances Ètiques per al desenvolupament sostenible

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BANCOVI, Su Banco Cooperativo Visionario - Una cooperativa comprometida con la comunidad

BANCOVI, Su Banco Cooperativo Visionario

A cooperative committed to the community

El Salvador

ACCOVI, Asociación Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Vicentina de RL, founded in the department of San Vicente, is the first cooperative authorized to operate as a non-banking financial intermediary and to collect deposits. ACCOVI is a regulated cooperative whose financial services include savings accounts, commercial and personal loans, remittance services and insurance products. It is active in the central and north-eastern part of El Salvador.

ACCOVI strongly supports activities that improve the wellbeing of its members, clients and communities. It offers courses on various topics such as cooking, baking and sports activities. It is also actively involved in reforestation and health awareness campaigns.

ACCOVI is one of the most renowned credit providers among small entrepreneurs in El Salvador. The cooperative is aware of the financial needs and demands of micro and small entrepreneurs in the country and support their growth through a financial programme. This sector currently has no access to banking institutions, as they do not offer microcredit and mainly rely on microfinance institutions

ACCOVI has been an Oikocredit partner since 2006.

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